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Straße &
Die Architektur
By Santiago Barco Riviere
Colour Portraiture is a relative new form of photography in terms of the fine art and advertising world. It started taking a real hold only in the late 1960's.
At FOTON LUX we focus on getting inspiration from what has been done in this short period of time compared to the whole history of photography and then create by putting all the potential of our collective effort and try to always exceed and push the boundaries of what is possible and of what has been done.
In this series you can see a selection of portraits that we have created in collaboration with incredible and unique people who have come to our studios. We do it so passionately in order to help them portray themselves, their brands or both higher than previous expectations.
Through this meticulously made portrayals we aim to produce appealing and strong representations that help propel our clients and partner into the objectives which they have chosen they want to reach trough the pictures themselves.
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